On a Funeral Bier

On a funeral bier, he lay…

Whose funeral is this? Who killed him?

On a funeral bier he lay, and his death scarred everyone’s mind. It also destroyed their hopes and dreams and decimated their opportunities for bright futures.

With him to his grave he took the one thing that makes America so different from the rest of the world. Unfortunately, that one thing is the reason others admired the US and wanted to join us.

Everything and every person was born to live and die, but not him. He was destined for immortality, to live forever.

Like a brain-damaged by a hard blow, even the flowers next to his coffin don’t function as they did previously. Now they refuse to stand up straight.

No plastic surgery could improve the ugly scar his death leaves behind. It is simply too horrendous.

Who was he? His name was Freedom of Speech and Thought, the first right the US Constitution guarantees.

Who killed him?

A certain well-known US newspaper, The New York Times, committed this heinous murder. It spread stories not based on fact, stories that caused us to think things that were untrue. And thereby it altered our beliefs about what was going on in our country. We demanded things we would not have otherwise demanded, and our thoughts were no longer our own.

The newspaper’s owner also tried to silence others. A few weeks ago, a writer wrote on her own website an article questioning the practices of his newspaper. This man responded by altering her page on his online store, and still has not completely returned this page to its former condition.

What should America do about this murder? Should the US courts pursue the charges it would pursue for anyone else, even though the owner is the richest man in the world?


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Dear New York Times

What should we all ask?

Can we get on a better path?

How do people live with no regret?


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