For Future Generations

Please consider the effects of your vote before you cast your ballot!  These effects will impact future generations more than you believe they will…

When Franklin Roosevelt sought reelection to the presidency of the United States in 1936, some people labeled him a socialist. The charge was very inflammatory. In fact, the White House quickly rebutted this label by stating that it was an accusation “which no patriotic, decent citizen would purposefully inject into American affairs.”

For the first time in US history, our national memory has forgotten that socialism leads to communism.  Unfortunately, ignorance of socialism and our country’s decade’s long struggle against it is now the norm.

The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, but communism still has not.  One hundred years after the Bolshevik Revolution, more than 1/5th of the world’s population still lives under single-party communist regimes in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Socialism seems like a fine idea because it means more equity for everyone. Wow–free health care and free education! But it is much more than that.  It has always had a more ominous goal that it shares with Marxism and Communism:  A loss of private property and then the erosion of free speech.  People who live under socialist and communist governments cannot protest without punishment when their government confiscates their personal property.

A desire for free health care and education for everyone ends up destroying life for future generations.

Yes, future generations pay the price.

This pattern has played out in history time and time again.  Ninety-nine years ago the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia combined socialist ideas with totalitarian violence, and totalitarian communism was born.  Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin expressed this unification.  “In striving for socialism,” he said in 1917, “we are convinced it will develop into communism.”  The result in more than 40 countries since has been either totalitarian dictatorship or economic collapse.  This result has cost more than 100 million lives before the communist experiment collapsed in Europe and the Soviet Union.

The only winners in these collapsed societies have been the members of the ruling party.  Unfortunately, while the ruling party could afford to launch rockets into outer space, millions of citizens starved to death.

If you are too young to remember the cold war but old enough to vote, please ask yourself if the candidate you are voting for will lead the US down this path to economic destruction.  Remember that the lives of future generations are at stake, even if you think you will not live long enough to experience the fallout from the effects of your vote.

Many of those currently running for office have socialist ideas that could unintentionally turn the US into a socialist government. And I, for one, am glad that I have lived most of my life and will probably not live long enough to experience the consequences of a socialist government.

Just consider what life would be like

without free speech and the right to protest.

Remember future generations when you vote!

P.S.–Remember that the news broadcasts are not the way to find out where a candidate stands on an issue.  The way to find out is to google the candidate’s name and the issue.  For example, you might google, “President Trump pre-existing conditions” and read until you have found out about how he views this particular issue.


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