When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Go Easy…

Ever been too hard on yourself?  You can go easy on yourself instead. Here is how…

Encouraging you to go easy on yourself on near a river.

Have you ever done something wrong and then been really hard on yourself? If you have, you are not alone.  Most of us can be too critical of ourselves after we make a mistake.

Continuing to criticize yourself over something in your past is unhealthy and does not help you to move on with your life, but how can you stop doing that?

There is a simple way to correct this problem.

Whether your mistake was made intentionally or accidentally, you just need to make it right.  Go to the other people involved (the people you hurt) and work it out with them.

For example, we are now experiencing a problem with the Cosgriff’s, the couple who sold us our home.  They claim to be Christian but they failed to mention a major carpenter ant problem in the seller disclosure.  Knowing how destructive these pests are, we would not have bought the home had we known about this problem.  Yesterday I emailed the sellers.  Mr. Cosgriff replied in an email.  He said he is experiencing a different problem in his life right now so the timing of this problem could not be worse.  He said he feels bad about this but did not offer to make it right with us.  This man just might feel badly about this until he makes it right because he has to live with himself.

How can you have self-compassion and go easy on yourself before you make things right with the people you hurt? It is simply not possible to do this because each one of us must live with ourselves and the things we have done.

If you have been beating yourself up for something you have done, you do not have to keep doing this.  You can go easy on yourself if you just make the situation right.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


How can you remain uplifted every day of your life?

It never pays to cheat the man in the glass…

Get the promotion you deserve!



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