When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Have a Happy Day Every Day!

Encouraging you to be happy on near a river.

How to have a happy day regardless of your current circumstances.

make every day a happy day

I hope you have a happy day every day of your life.  I hope that every day of your life is a “gratitude day”.

Gratitude” is a great way to feel happy.   It has many health benefits, relationship benefits, and satisfaction benefits.  Gratitude enables you to focus on what is good in your present life, instead of wanting more and more.  Besides, it turns your mental focus to positives and enables your brain to counteract its natural tendency to focus on worries, threats, and negatives.  It creates joy, love, and contentment–which can remove the negative grip of depression and anxiety.  Gratitude creates positive thought cycles and behavior patterns.

There have been many distressing, extremely upsetting events in my life.  I have countered these events with gratitude.  Each morning when I wake up, I think about why I am grateful.  Each day of my life, no matter how bad it has been, there has been something to be grateful for.  Even if it has been something as simple as having food to eat or running water.

Right now I am grateful for my wonderful husband.  He helps me whenever I need help and is always here for me. I am recovering from amputation surgery and he has been by my side and helped me every “step” of the way.

I could be focusing on the negatives of my current situation, the amputation and the reasons for it.  But if I were to do that, I would be dragging myself into anxiety and depression.  Negatives will not help me heal from this surgery. But being grateful for the love of a wonderful man will help me to heal.


Every day when you wake up, I hope your first thoughts focus on things that you are grateful for, things that make you happy.

I hope that you keep a “Gratitude Journal”,  that you write down what you are grateful for each and every day of your life.  And that when you start to feel down, you immediately think of things you can write in your journal and write them down.  I hope you read your journal when you cannot think of anything to be grateful for.

I hope that on your birthday you have a long list of things you are grateful for and you can recount many things in the past year that bring a smile to your face.  And many goals you have reached in the past year. Then I hope you focus on the upcoming year, things you will have to be grateful for.

Parents, teach your children by your example to be happy.  Tell them what you are grateful for and why. Their happiness will benefit them though out their entire lives.

Be happy!  Fill your life with gratitude and happiness!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


A hug?

You can do it!

Help stop violence.

Had a hard day today?


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One comment on “Have a Happy Day Every Day!


This post reminds me of the song: “Count Your Blessings!” By doing so we soon realize that the abundance of blessings far outweigh those painful and difficult time. Glad to that you are healing well and are blessed with a wonderful husband.


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