When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

For Your Health!

Encouraging you to hug for your health on near a river.

Improve your health by hugging as much as possible every day of your life!

When I was a child, my Grandma always gave me lots of hugs.  Her hugs made me feel better no matter what was going on in my life.  As I got older, I followed her example and continued to make myself and others feel better. I have continued to hug as often as possible.

My husband is a Vietnam veteran.  He has PTSD, major depression, and a host of other major health issues.  This week he had surgery.  As we lay in bed snuggling last night, he told me that snuggling makes him feel less pain and feel better in many ways.  In fact, even though he was in pain from his surgery yesterday, he took no prescription pain medications.  Snuggling helped him with pain instead.

When I was younger, I did not know that hugging has many proven health benefits. But recent medical research has proven this fact.

Hugging is awesome and incredibly powerful.  It has many benefits!

  • Hugging boosts your immune system and improves your mental health.

  • It can cure depression.

  • Hugging reduces stress.

  • It induces sleep.

  • A hug is invigorating.

  • It relaxes you.

  • Hugging relieves your pain.

  • It improves mood.

  • A hug boosts self-esteem.

  • It improves your heart rate and your heart health.

Hugging is all natural.  It comes with no pesticides or preservatives or artificial ingredients.  It is completely wholesome and has no unpleasant side effects.  Hugging is a miracle drug. Hugging makes you feel supported and cared about.  Therefore, it sets your mind up for success.

Hugging is extremely user friendly! It has no breakable parts, no batteries to wear down, and no maintenance checkups.  A hug consumes little energy but yields high energy and is unaffected by inflation.  Besides, it contains no calories, costs no money, and requires no insurance.  It does not pollute and is nontaxable.

Best of all, hugging is fully returnable!  Hugging is most beneficial when returned with a heart full of love!

Parents, hug your children as often as possible!  The positive effects of hugging will improve your child’s behavior, as well as his or her physical and mental well-being.  Hugging will enable your child to get through hard times, as well as think more clearly and therefore make better decisions.

Never forget that lots of hugs every day make you feel better in every way!  Enable yourself, your family members, and everyone you care about to feel better physically and mentally. Get and give lots of hugs every day!

Consider yourself hugged as you read this!

Hugs are a simple way to make the world a better place.


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One comment on “For Your Health!


Wow, I was never aware of all the benefits that a hug was able to bring. Thanks sharing this and this thanks is being sent with a HUG!


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