A Hurricane Every Day

Encouragement to work together during every hurricane on near a river.

Why can’t we pretend there is a hurricane every day of our lives and ignore our differences?

Recently too many people in the US have not been working together to solve problems. Instead, they have been criticizing each other for their differences and refusing to collaborate.

However, over 21,000 volunteers helped victims of Hurricane Florence in September of 2018.  They were from every race, political party, and religion—and they all worked together to enable others and each other get through a tough time. Each of those 21,000 individuals believed that the solution to the problem began with collaborative efforts, and they were correct.

So why does it take a hurricane to get people to work together in spite of their differences?  Why can’t we all work together to solve problems every day of our lives?

We can do it!

How can we work together to solve problems every day in spite of personal differences with each other?

  • When we look at another human being, we need to think of that person as a human being, not as a person of a particular race, political party, or religion.
  • It is important to remember that the US media encourages conflict, and ignore all of the opinions we hear on the news.
  • We need to find common ground, by communicating until we find something we agree on.
  • Then we need to discuss the problem that needs to be solved. We must actively listen, even if the other person is not actively listening to us.  For more information about listening actively, click here.
  • After each person has voiced his concerns about the problem, we need to make a list of the concerns and then find ways to peacefully address them—together.

If we all work together every day instead of attacking each other, we will benefit.  We will all feel more at peace with our lives, more content, and much happier.

We should treat each of our problems like hurricane Florence! If only every person thought that the solution to a problem begins with himself or herself, then the world would not have so many problems.

So if you have a problem with someone who is different from you, ignore your differences and work together! Just treat every problem in your life like a hurricane!

You will be glad you did when you solve a problem with someone else.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


How do you treat others?

Is your life frustrating you?

Here is the key to happiness.

Celebrate life with no grudges!


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