About Florence

Encouragement to avoid Hurricane Florence on near a river.

Is your state affected by Hurricane Florence?  If so, please read this post…

I have been watching the news about Hurricane Florence.  According to the news, there are people who refuse to evacuate in spite of the predicted intensity of the storm.

It is natural to want to protect your home and your belongings when a storm threatens them.  But don’t you know that your life is more valuable than your belongings?

You can work and earn more money and manufacturers will always make more of the things you love to buy. So you will be able to replace your things.

However, no one can replace you!

You are special and unique, because there is no one else like you in the whole universe!  Although you probably do not understand how much you mean to everyone around you, everyone’s day is happier because you are here.

What you say matters and touches the hearts of everyone around you.

Your life is a unique gift to the world and is invaluable.

You bring happiness to those who love you and pleasure to everyone you meet.

Simply stated, your life is a gift that you should treasure just as your loved ones do.

So if you are even considering waiting out the Hurricane Florence in your home, please do not do that.  Do not worry about your belongings because you can replace them.  Always remember that no one can replace you and that others will miss you if you wait out the storm and do not survive.

But, if you do wait out the storm instead of evacuating, please do one favor for rescue crews and your loved ones.  Write your name, date of birth, next of kin’s name, and next of kin’s contact information on your arm or leg with a permanent marker. Just in case you do not survive.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


When is having more better?

Don’t stand alone when a storm hits…

Prepare your family for Hurricane Florence!

How will your child react after the hurricane?


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