When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

An Invisible Fence

Encoiuragement to overcome PTSD with an invisible fence on near a river.

Do you have PTSD?  Then live within an invisible fence…

As a victim of domestic violence diagnosed with PTSD, I highly value safety and security.

My second husband and I have been traveling to various campgrounds for the past month.  The campgrounds have had a variety of types and levels of security.  But one park stands out as the safest park of all.

In a small town in Georgia, we stayed at a medium sized campground.  This campground has no fence and no gate, and at night it is only protected by security cameras.  This campground reminds me of our home in a town that is too small to even have its own police force.

Why do I feel safe at that campground and in our hometown?  They both have invisible fences.

An invisible fence protects small, tightly knit communities.  It has vibes that make unsavory people feel unwelcome and radiates feelings of kindness, feelings of concern for the well-being of everyone there, as well as feelings of personal security.  Within its boundaries, people feel safe because everyone watches out for everyone else.

Invisible fences allow me to sleep peacefully at night and feel safe in spite of my concerns about my ex-husband finding me and hurting me again.

Have your or any of your loved ones experienced a haunting trauma that creates fear in the heart?   Ever been diagnosed with PTSD? Do you or a loved one feel unsafe, struggle to sleep at night, and feel anxious by day and night?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider finding a home in small community surrounded by kind, supportive, caring people who watch out for each other.  After you find this home and get to know your neighbors, you just might sleep well in spite of the trauma in your past.

Enable your family to soar like an eagle over the storms of past trauma and PTSD by living within the boundaries of an invisible fence.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Never let your past harm your future!

Holding onto anger only hurts you more.

Turn your past traumas into pearls of wisdom…

Develop a mindset that will enable you to remain uplifted.


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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