My Big Promise

Have you ever made a big promise?

On a cold November day almost twenty years ago, I suddenly got the feeling I should try to reach my Grandma.

Immediately I called her at the hospice house where she was staying, and she haltingly spoke,

“Sweetheart, my time to go is very soon.

I’ll miss you so much!

Always know I’m with you

and love you no matter where you go or what you do.

Please promise you’ll continue to spread the love and hope

I shared as much as I could! And follow your dreams.

You will be a writer someday!”

Struggling to communicate through my tears, I replied, “You know I will! I love you and will do anything for you! You’re my world! Watch over me from heaven, OK?”

The call was short because my beloved 94-year-old mentor was having trouble breathing and speaking at the same time.

Doctors put Grandma into a drug-induced coma by noon that day and she died a week later.  I’ve cried rivers of tears since she died.  Grandma was my world!  She taught me how to love others and be loved back, how to be strong and survive.  And, she taught me how to believe in myself and make my dreams come true.

So I held doors open for people and did whatever acts of kindness could. I cooked meals for others and volunteered at nursing homes. But I felt I was not spreading her message far enough.

Many years later, when I finally became the writer I’ve always dreamt of, I realized that I can keep my promise much more easily through my writing. But I continue to help others as often as I can. So if you need something, know that I’ll do my best to help any way I can.

From heaven, Grandma is watching over me,

crying as I write this post.

When I see her again,

I’ll hug her and tell her

I did my best to keep my promise

every day of my life.


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


A manifesto for all…

Don’t believe you’re special?

Do you have any room for peace?

Hugging and love are very powerful!


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