Let’s Unite!

Encouragement to unite against breast cancer on near a river.

Ladies, let’s all unite against breast cancer!  Here is one simple thing we all can do to prevent this horrible disease.

Tonight for dinner I ate a salad made with ingredients fresh from my garden. Fresh lettuce, fresh oregano and parsley and basil, fresh tomatoes, and fresh blueberries and raspberries. It was delicious, especially since I added olive oil, black olives, and avocado to make it taste even more fantastic.

Until today, I did this because I preferred the taste of olive oil.  But today I learned something interesting about olive oil and therefore I will continue to consume it as often as possible.

Of course, everyone has heard about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.  Researchers have linked it to a lower risk of heart disease and better brain health.  Now researchers are also linking it to a reduced risk of malignant breast cancer.

In one study, women who ate the Mediterranean diet and consumed olive oil daily had a 68% lower risk of developing malignant breast cancer than those who did not supplement their diet with this delicious oil.

The greatest reduction in risk was for women who consumed more than 15% of their total calories from olive oil.

Let’s unite!

Recently several of my friends’ relatives have been diagnosed with malignant breast cancer.  I am not sure that olive oil can help my friends’ relatives who already have breast cancer, but it might help my friends to avoid developing this horrible disease.

Ladies, let’s unite against breast cancer!  Let’s all consume as much olive oil as possible to improve our odds against breast cancer!


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