When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Letter to You

near a river encouragement for children letter bj rae bald eagle

A letter to encourage you to keep going!

This letter is to you. The you who:

  • feels stressed.
  • is depressed and anxious.
  • has done it many times before but sometimes feels like you just cannot go on.
  • does not want to give up, but feels too tired to continue. Especially the you who is having a hard week, month, and year.
  • has lost faith. The you who has been devastated by a tragic life.  Especially the you who feels all alone in the world.
  • lost faith in your ability to continue in your life.  In particular, the you who needs a big bear hug right now.
  • does not think you are good enough and strong enough to make a good life for yourself.

Yes, YOU!  You are good enough!

In fact, you are more than good enough and you are fantastic the way you are!

You are also strong enough to make a good life for yourself. Also, you have so many strengths and beautiful qualities!

You have done so much and you can do so much more.  Never give up!  Your life will get better! Just hold on, hang in here, and focus on the positives in your life. Keep going no matter what!

I was in your shoes for most of my 50 plus years of life, and I know how hard life can be.  I know exactly how you feel.

But I also know that if you look inside yourself and examine your good traits and strengths, you will see that you are a unique, valuable, and special person.  You are the only you in the universe!

Remember that every situation in life is temporary.

Please keep on going.  If you need a friend to listen, I am on Facebook. Click here, send me a friend request, and chat with me.  Although I have never met you, I care about you and want to help you find the strength to go on.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Trying to overcome depression?

You can calm your anxiety!

Need a good laugh?

Are you sad?


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