Live Well, Die Well

When you die, others will remember you as you treated them.

Do you want to be remembered well?

Today I attended a friend’s funeral service.  There was no tension or bad feelings and the mood was peaceful, loving, and gentle.  What caused the positive mood of today’s funeral?

Today’s funeral service celebrated a Christian life well lived.  This funeral was exactly like I want my own to be.

My friend lived peacefully.  She was kind to others and helped them every chance she could.  No one had a bad feeling or a bad word to say about her.  Her life was celebrated as a loving, kind, gentle life because she helped everyone around her as often as possible. Everyone spoke well of her and how much we love her.

As you live, so others remember you when you die.  If you want to be remembered well, you need to live well.

No one knows when his or her life will end. So each one of us needs to love each other every day of our lives and spend each day helping others with Christian love in our hearts.

Parents, set a good example for your children.  Teach them how to treat others by your example.  When they are older, they will do what you do, not what you tell them to do.

Just imagine how much better the world would be if everyone helped others.

Live well each day of your life.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


If you truly care…

Patiently wait for a rainbow.

Others will love you back if you…

You can survive the hard times in your life.


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