Look For the Bright Spots in Your Life!

Look for the bright spots in your life when life tries to drag you down!

Encouragement to look for the bright spots in your life on near a river.

I have a new “adopted Mom”.  She is definitely a bright spot in my life!

On Mother’s Day, I could not communicate with my Mother.  She finally realized she needs help managing her life and moved to my sister’s home in a different state.  My sister is very judgmental and has always looked down on me for some reason.  So when my Mother moved in with my sister, my sister discouraged her from speaking with me.

I have never hurt my sister or my Mother but they hurt me a great deal.  My birth family is just not nice.

I wanted to cry at first on Mother’s Day.  But I realized I could take steps to pick myself up emotionally. I gave thought positively and kept myself busy. I remembered something my Grandma taught me as a young child, Philippians 4:8.  “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”

But then I found a bright spot in my life.

The next morning I called my good friend Wendy Williams.  Wendy Williams is kind, loving, and supportive.  She is a great listener.  She teaches me many things.  I love her with all of my heart.

Wendy told me that she is now my “adopted Mom”.  She is definitely one of the brightest spots in my life!

When life frustrates you, do not focus on the negatives.  Focus on the bright spots in your life.  Any legal bright spot will do.

Focusing on the bright spots in your life will make you feel much better.

When your life tries to drag you down, look for its bright spots!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What can you do to make relationships healthy?

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?

Take time out for yourself occasionally.

Always listen with love. . .


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BJ’s encouraging books are available

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BJ’s encouraging books are available

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View Comments (1)

  • I come from a dysfunctional family myself, so I know how hurtful they can be. I'm glad you have someone like Wendy in your life.????

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