Make Room for Peace

Do  you need to make room for peace in your life?

Americans need to eliminate their anger and make room for peace in their minds.

When your mind is too cluttered, you cannot function well.  You cannot think clearly or peacefully solve problems. Also, the world around you contributes to your emotional state and causes you to feel angrier. This contribution inflates depression and anxiety, which magnify the clutter in your mind.

It is sad to say, but too many Americans need to make room for peace right now.

How can we make room in our cluttered minds for peace?

Do you listen to others’ opinions constantly?   ­More importantly, do you believe opinions instead of facts? Do you base your decisions on opinions—yours or the opinions of others—instead of facts?

If you answered yes, you are not alone.

When I was a child, news was broadcast only for an hour in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. The media had time to report the news, but not enough time to discuss their opinions. Therefore, as a child, I only heard facts when I watched the news.

But that was over fifty years ago, and today newscasters broadcast twenty-four hours each day.

Since they have had 24 hours each day to fill for the past twenty-five years or so, they never have enough news events to fill every minute of every day. Therefore they fill the majority of that time with their opinions, not the facts.  If you listen to these news shows, you hear many opinions.  It is hard to not believe these people talking. After all, they are on television, right?

Politicians also want to tell you what to think. They post on social media and make statements on the news, broadcasting their opinions.

Make room for peace!

Please don’t let the media or politicians control what you think! You need to take charge of your own mind and not rent these opinions any space in your brain! Never forget that you are smart enough to think for yourself and should always do that!

If every American made room for peace by only allowing facts to occupy their minds, America would not be as angry as it is right now. Perhaps we need to turn off the one-eyed monsters in our homes more often.  When we do allow this monster to affect us by watching the news, we should take everything as a single grain of salt.

You can have peace in your life again,

if you create room for it in your mind!


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