When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Man-Flu in America

The political anger in which Americans are currently marinating is futile and unhealthy. It spreads man-flu,
which is highly contagious and potentially deadly!

near a river for children encouragement futile america bj rae eagle

Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to his 16-year-old grandson to give him advice. His advice specifically pertained to people in government, where strong opposing passions often exist. Our country’s forefather believed these concepts would help others work together and therefore enable a person to accomplish his or her goals.

Yes, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, like many people in his day did, but his letter to his grandson  made some valid points. We can still glean these strategies for a successful life from this man.

  • Never argue with anyone.
  • Do not try to force others to agree with you! It is pointless to question someone who disagrees with you.
  • No one has ever convinced anyone else by arguing.
  • Negatives such as anger, rudeness, injury, and death arise from argument.
  • Upon hearing an opinion contrary to yours, you should remind yourself of that person’s
    right to a different opinion.
    Although another person may base his different opinion on incorrect facts, he probably enjoys his opinions.
  • If anyone wants your opinion, you should not give it until he asks. And if he still holds his opinion and still wants to argue, you should listen and say nothing.
  • Does someone prefer to be wrong? It is his problem, not yours.
  • Another person’s opinion, even if incorrect, will not harm you.

Constant arguing causes overwhelming political anger in Washington, DC and throughout our country. And this political anger is futile, unhealthy, and spreads the highly contagious man-flu.

This flu has many health effects, from insomnia and anxiety to potentially fatal heart attacks and strokes. Sadly, it also causes anger that leads to violence such as murder and other criminal behaviours.

How can we stop the spread of man-flu?

Given that we cannot change our leaders until 2020, perhaps we need to promote leaders who will work with all other politicians—not just politicians within their own group—and vote them into office at the end of next year.  We also need to communicate to our current leaders that we will vote them out of office if they do not start working together.

Let’s work together to stop the spread of America’s man-flu!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


It is important to keep power in balance!

I wish you the peace of an eagle.

One antidote to man-flu.

Let’s not repeat this.


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