The American Manifesto

Americans, here is our manifesto.

Americans are all one people. We aren’t black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. Although we may be Democrats, Republicans, or independents, we are all Americans first.

Recently the morality and compassion of America has diminished, as evidenced by mass murders and the constant barrage of negative news that asserts itself into our lives daily. Therefore, we feel a desperate, urgent need to improve our country.

To repair our moral fabric and make our country safe again, we hold the following truths close to our hearts. We also affirm to perpetually abide by and support them.

Our words…

Condemning violence, we agree to treat all others kindly—strangers, family members and acquaintances alike. We acknowledge the power of our words, and that words can either aggravate others who may already have problems or help them. Therefore, we pledge to speak kindly to and about others or not speak at all. Additionally, we choose to work with all Americans—regardless of how they differ from us—to solve issues that we face. Every authority figure in our land needs to abide by this also. If an authority figure fails to abide by this, we will do our best to remove him or her from our public purview.

Our call to action…

Knowing that our actions can impassion positive interactions with others or invoke others to commit crimes, we affirm to do our best to avoid doing anything that falls short of encouraging positive interaction among everyone in our country. We support eleven-year-old Ruben Martinez’s calling for each person in our country to perform twenty-two acts of kindness daily.

Additionally, we demand that every parent do his or her best to raise children to be productive, healthy citizens. This demand includes providing positive activities for them, loving them, and being there for them throughout their childhoods and their lives.


Leaders, you represent us and our values. Therefore, we expect you to honor our manifesto and walk the high road with us as we endeavor to bring hope to the lives of all who live in our country and act like the world leader we have always been.

If we all abide by this manifesto,

we can reverse the contagion

that has been destroying US.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Repeat after me: Yes, I can overcome my hatred!

First, I must make room for peace.

I must eliminate poison

and think differently.


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