An Allegory

Disease can strike kind and loving people also. If a disease has affected you and you have been kind to others, this allegory does not apply to you. This post only applies to people who became ill and have been unkind to others.

Dear Reader,

I want to relay some important information to you. If you have heard this before, I apologize in advance for repeating things to you.

Here is an allegory, a story with a hidden meaning.

A small group of hikers was hiking in a national forest.  At night, they got cold, so they started a campfire.

Because their campfire kept them warm and toasty, they did not want to put their fire out before they went to bed. Tired from hiking, they fell into a deep sleep.

This was a grave mistake, literally. The campfire they had not extinguished sent a few of its sparks to the forest, and those few sparks set the entire forest on fire.

Sadly, the hikers woke up too late. By the time they woke up, there was no way out of the forest. Their own mistake killed them. Unfortunately, the fire burned for many days and eventually destroyed the homes of the wildlife as well as the homes of other people.

The events in this story have actually happened more than once. This campfire story is an allegory for how we treat others.

What does this story mean?

The fire represents unkindness.  When a person is unkind to others, at first his or her unkindness might affect one or a few people.  But the sparks of unkindness spread, and the resulting fires eventually destroy the unkind person as well his or her original target.

How does unkindness destroy a person?

Those who purposely treat others poorly end up feeling as stressed as those they have mistreated. 

Yes, stress does affects your body in numerous ways.  It causes inflammation, which can trigger many diseases (diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disease), impairs your digestive tract, messes with your immune system, and creates chaos with your brain functioning. Additionally, it makes you feel crummy all over and also contributes to heart disease.

Medical evidence has linked stress to serious illness.  Forty percent of cancers are preventable with lifestyle changes.  Since stress makes you more likely to take less than adequate care of yourself (smoking, drinking too much, overeating, and not exercising), it is fair to say that stress does cause disease.

BUT WAIT!  There is good news.

You can easily prevent many of these bad things from happening to you. Just remember this allegory and treat others the way you want to be treated.

As Christmas nears, please consider mending fences with lost loved ones. Mending fences does improve a person’s health.

With love from me to you,
BJ Rae


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