A miracle happened to me one day…
About 20 years ago, I woke up with the most severe pain throughout my body and could not even walk to the bathroom. When a family member just barely touched my skin, I cried out in even worse pain.
I had Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I saw more than one rheumatologist. Finally the department chair of a local teaching hospital was able to help me, but only somewhat. I took high doses of methotrexate until I had no hair at all and looked like a starving Ethiopian.
I went through about 5 rounds of methotrexate treatment. My white blood cell count was still more than 5 times normal. The doctors were getting as frustrated as I was. The RA was moving into my heart and could kill me.
I was ready to give up on life. I told my doctors I wanted no more treatment, that the treatment was as bad as the disease. I only wanted palliative care. At this point, I did not care if I died. I only wanted relief from this horrible disease. Even if the relief was death!
I had always had chronic anemia and the methotrexate treatment seemed to be amplifying that a million fold. One morning a good friend came to my home and took me to a health food store. She said I had to speak with the store manager.
When I walked into the store, the manager smiled at me and said, “You must be the friend with severe RA.” I said yes, and we continued to talk. Then she told me that her Grandma had had RA. I said, “Had RA? Did it kill her?” She replied no, it did not and was in complete remission. I asked her what she had done to put her RA into remission and told her I had very little hope for my own.
The Miracle
The manager showed me a product that called “Greens Plus”. It was expensive and I did not have much money, but I bought it anyway. It might help my anemia at least. Greens Plus is a vegetable based supplement that has the nutrients we would get if we were still eating in the Garden of Eden.
I took it religiously, two doses a day instead of one. Within two weeks, I did not need pain meds. One month later, my white blood cell count was at the top of normal range and I had no more symptoms. What a miracle!
Now I am glad I am alive. I am so glad that an angel took me to the health food store that day. I am so glad I did not give up and just lay down to die.
No matter what condition you are struggling with, you can get through it. You might feel much pain today but your life is valuable. YOU ARE A VERY SPECIAL PERSON! YOU ARE THE ONLY YOU IN THE UNIVERSE, SO DO NOT GIVE UP!
Note: Greens Plus is an incredible nutritional supplement, but this article does not advocate a supplement for your health issue. Its purpose is to encourage you to not give up regardless of what you are facing. You should consult your medical provider (s) to find what will help you.
Know that miracles do happen and one can happen to you.
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