When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Dear New York Times,

Dear New York TImes and all Americans, please think about this post!

BJ Rae, near a river, Jeff Bezos, free speech, encouragement
Jeff Bezos talking about free speech with fellow Americans.

Dear New York Times,

In case you don’t know this, you have been doing something very wrong. You have been trying to tell Americans what to think, and violating our first amendment rights.

The US Supreme Court has ruled in historic cases in favor of free thought and free speech. It has also ruled that free speech does not include telling others what to think.

You slant stories. For example, a few weeks ago, it published a story about Trump’s speech after the mass shootings that had recently occurred. At first, the title of the article was neutral, “’Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism”. But you quickly changed the headline to a negative one, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns”. It’s new title drove some Americans crazy.

Even worse, last week the management of your newspaper had a meeting, in which it planned how to continue to manipulate Americans’ thoughts.

Please discipline those who manage your newspaper. If you value first amendment rights, ours as well as your own, you need to order them to report the facts without any slanting or efforts to turn public opinion in a particular way.

Just as a snowball gathers momentum as it rolls down a hill,

the bad precedent the Times sets

forebodes bad times for all Americans.

Others will follow suit and take away our free thought, and our free speech will be next on the chopping block. These are some of the rights that citizens lose under a communist government, and taking them away starts the ball rolling toward a US communist government.

Americans in New York have been wearing t-shirts with the words “I can’t breathe”, reminding others about the death of a black man in their city who resisted arrest. Maybe all Americans who value their first amendment rights should wear shirts with the words, “Shame on you!” to stand up to Bezos’ New York Times.

Perhaps you haven’t carefully thought about the effects of your behavior. Now that you know how it is perceived, what will you do about it?  Will you demand that the New York Times simply report the news without any opinion, like it is supposed to do?

Please think about the long-term effects of your actions, now that you are fully aware of them.


BJ Rae


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


America must exercise gumption,

Influence others positively,

Focus on future success,

and remove its chains!


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