Live with No Regret

Encouraging you to live life with no regret on near a river.

Years ago, I volunteered for Hospice and there I learned a lot about regret.

Some of the people I worked with in Hospice wished they had lived differently.  They had dreams they had never pursued, resentments held for many years, as well as unsolved relationship problems. Some of them were able to find resolutions, but for most it was too late.  They did not have time to deal with their regrets and died with them in their hearts.

Volunteering for Hospice opened my eyes about living with regrets.  After all, any today could be my last day on earth.

But how can a person live each day of your life with no regrets? These are the things  my Hospice patients wish they had done differently throughout their lives.
  • Let those you love know you love them each day of your life.
  • Be thankful every day for the good that happens in y0ur life.  Gratitude keeps you focused on the positives instead of the negatives.  Focusing on negatives causes you to develop regrets.
  • Stop worrying! Most of the things we worry about are beyond our control, so you should replace worry with happiness and fun.  Taking life too seriously keeps you from enjoying your life.
  • Let bygones be bygones. Forgiveness releases pain within us caused past experiences. Not forgiving others can cause a person to become bitter for the rest of his or her life.
  • Follow your dreams and the expectations you have of yourself instead of following the dreams and expectations that others have for your life.
  • When making decisions, do not doubt your first instinct.
  • Propel yourself to a more gratifying life by taking risks each day. You cannot make your dreams come true without taking any risks.
  • Be kind every chance you get. Being kind to others, even strangers, improves your life and the lives of others.

Since not one of us knows how much time we have on this earth, we should all try to live our lives with no regret every day.


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I love you unconditionally, just the way you are…

The most powerful forces in the universe are faith, love, and positive thinking!


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