When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Overcome Depression The Ashley Judd Way!

near a river encouragement Ashley Judd bj rae eagle

Overcome your depression the way Ashley Judd overcame hers!

My husband and I both have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I have overcome my depression issues. He is still working on his. I always encourage him to use Ashley Judd’s strategies for overcoming depression.

  • Openness

Be open about your depression. Being open about your depression helps you to better cope with it. Simply because when you are open about your depression, you eliminate the isolation that accompanies it and expand your support network.

  • Seek treatment

Seek the treatment you need. Ashley Judd believes the time she spent at the rehabilitation center Shades of Hope is helping her marriage to racecar driver Dario Franchitti.

“I was unhappy, and now I’m happy,” she says. “Now, even when I’m having a rough day, it’s better than my best day before treatment.”

  • Help others

Help others. Ashley believes that helping others through charity work has helped her regain perspective.  I agree with Ashley. My Grandmother taught me when I was very young that I should help others instead of wallowing in my misery. And every time I do that, I realize again that my Grandmother was right.

Research that has proven that “positive activity interventions” – helping someone in even a small way, thinking positively by writing a thank you note or even counting your blessings – helps people cope with depression.

  • Make peace with your past

Make peace with your past. Reconcile with family members and old friends you have lost touch with. Resolve old conflicts. Making peace with your past is also called “Forgiveness Therapy”.

Peoople who participate in Forgiveness Therapy experience greater improvement in their depressive and PTSD symptoms.


Overcoming depression is a long healing process but it can be done. It often takes years to overcome depression. Just keep working at it, day by day.

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Feeling sad today?

Read more depression info…

Sleep well in spite of your depression.

You can survive the hard times in your life.


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