When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: laugh

My husband and I have started a club.  Would you like to join our club? Would you like to join our club? My husband and I have started a club.  It is called the “Our Bodies Are Falling Apart Club”. Read more…

Encouraging you to learn from the story of Mark Elklund on near a river.

The story of Vietnam soldier Mark Elklund has a message for all of us. At Saint Mary’s Catholic School in Morris, Minnesota, there was a third grade class.  The Sister teaching the students in the class loved all of them, Read more…

Encouragement to think about heaven and hell on near a river.

Have you heard what happened to the engineer when he died? After living a long and prosperous life, an Engineer died and went to Hell. He was miserable there.  So dissatisfied with the level of comfort, he started designing and Read more…

near a river encouragement dear friend bj rae eagle

If you or a friend struggles during the holiday season, please read and share this post! Dear Friend, Once again, the holidays are upon us.  In the midst of the excitement,  laughter, and cheer, I have not forgotten you.  The Read more…

Encouraging you to read a very important lesson on near a river.

This is an important lesson for everyone! One day a math Professor started his class as usual, by writing on the board. He wrote, “9 x 1 = 7, 9 x 2 = 18, 4 x 3 = 12”. When Read more…

Encouraging you to make your relationship last on near a river.

How can you make your relationship last?  Read on to find out. Why do we fall in love and marry?  Why do we get divorced? How can we make a marriage last?  How can you enjoy your Valentine for the Read more…

near a river encouragement for children letter bj rae bald eagle

A letter to encourage you to keep going! This letter is to you. The you who: feels stressed. is depressed and anxious. has done it many times before but sometimes feels like you just cannot go on. does not want Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy a brunette joke on near a river.

I am brunette, so I pick on my own kind.  This is a brunette joke. There once was a brunette named BJ. BJ lived where you can get 6 feet of snow or more in one winter and she loved Read more…

Encouraging you to not worry on near a river.

  Worry does not accomplish anything! Worry!  It can be a real problem. As a child, I worried that my brothers would find my hiding spot, hold me down, and tickle me again until I wet myself in the house Read more…

 Do you feel blessed today? Do you feel blessed today like I do? Today I am thrilled to report that I have reached my year-long goals of becoming the number one ranked BJ Rae on the internet. Just google “BJ Read more…

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