When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: protect your computer

Encouraging you to help in a bad US crisis on near a river.

How bad does this situation have to get before we take action? An estimated 3 million children are being cared for by someone other than parents in the US today. I know four of these three million children personally.   Here Read more…

Encouraging you to respond proactively on near a river.

How do you respond when life hands you lemons? After eleven years of marriage, a loving couple finally gave birth to a baby boy.  Their baby boy was the apple of their eyes.  One morning, when the boy was around Read more…

Do not become part of the “Facebook Ambassador” scam or any other scam!   .After my Facebook account was hacked, I finally restored it myself last night. I worked hard to try to find the friends I had lost on Read more…

Encouraging you to protect yourself from Facebook hacking on near a river.

Don’t let a Facebook hacking affect your day! One night I wrote an article for www.nearariver.com. Then as usual I posted it on Facebook to let the public know I had written it. But a Facebook hacking had occurred. As Read more…

bj rae invisible threats delete texts without opening

How can you protect yourself from invisible threats? When I was in the third grade, my teacher gave us an assignment to write about the biggest way that life would be different when we’re thirty years old. I wrote that Read more…

A US airstrike killed Iranian leader Qasem Soleimani. What is the fate of the US now? Every past war the US fought occurred before the technology age. We didn’t have computers, cell phones, and other devices then. But now our Read more…

What is a whitelist?  How can you create one of these?   There are two types of antivirus protection, whitelist and blacklist. A white list program allows only those things that are recognized as beneficial or not harmful in any Read more…

We all know what “the finger” is.  This week life gave my hubby and me the finger. We are traveling right now, and I do not have my usual computer repair tools with me.  Of course, this week I absolutely Read more…

near a river encouragement truly balanced bj rae eagle

My husband accidentally found a great way to get truly balanced news coverage and other internet information. This morning my husband opened his internet browser, Chrome, and his home page loaded very slowly again.  So he googled “best home page”.  Read more…

Encouraging you to heed this lesson on near a river.

             We can all learn a lesson from these recent data breaches. Here are some recent data breaches you may not have heard about that might affect you personally. Banking with Virtual Assistants It may sound interesting to ask the virtual Read more…

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