When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: overcome depression

Do you know what the worst bad option is? Yes, you choose how others perceive you. How do you do this? You direct yourself through the circumstances in your life that require a decision.  Your decisions and choices define your Read more…

Encouraging you to be like an ostrich on near a river.

Care for your mental health issues the way an ostrich cares for its young. What do an ostrich and mental health awareness have in common? Ostriches are the largest and heaviest living birds in the world. Despite standing seven to Read more…

Encouraging you to be aware of holiday scammers on Near a River.

Watch out for scammers this season! Families, retailers, and consumers are not the only ones getting ready this holiday season.  Scammers are also working to maximize their profits.  Watch out for your money by avoiding these five seasonal scams that Read more…

Encouraging you to cope well when someone betrays you on Near a River.

When someone betrays you, you need to time to heal. Yesterday someone I care about betrayed me and today I happened upon written proof of this. Betrayal is one of the most devastating experiences a person can have. Only someone Read more…

Encouraging you to think clearly on Near a River.

Two strategies to help you think clearly, accomplish more, and feel happier. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I often struggle to think clearly.  Some days my brain just does not want to work.  So I went to work researching. Read more…

Encouraging you to just breathe on near a river.

When you feel stressed, here is a great way to “just breathe” and actually relax… When you seem stressed, someone may tell you to “just breathe”.  But it is very hard to focus on your breathing when your mind is Read more…

Encouraging you to remain uplifted on near a river.

Here is the secret to remaining uplifted. Most of the time,  I am happy in spite of having survived a lifetime of adverse events. How can I be happy in spite of having lived an unbelievably difficult life? Several medical Read more…

Encouraging you to not worry on near a river.

  Worry does not accomplish anything! Worry!  It can be a real problem. As a child, I worried that my brothers would find my hiding spot, hold me down, and tickle me again until I wet myself in the house Read more…

Encouraging you to heed this OJ Simpson message on near a river.

Everyone who heeds the message of OJ Simpson will be much more successful in life! OJ Simpson is right on! This morning I was watching the news at breakfast.  A story came on about OJ Simpson being released from prison Read more…

near a river encouragement for children bj rae check credit bald eagle

The Equifax data breach may have compromised your credit information. Not long ago, someone hacked into the personal information of 143 million Americans in the Equifax computer system. (S)he obtained social security numbers, birth dates, address, phone number, and information Read more…

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