When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: survive

Encouraging you o not give up on difficult roads of life on near a river.

Do you know what is at the end of a difficult road? On July 4, 2016, my friend Wendy and I took our early morning walk as usual.  Wanting to hike instead of just walking that morning, we picked a Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy your crazy life on near a river.

Have you had a crazy life like I have had? My life has definitely been crazy. From the moment I was born, life has thrown challenges on me like baseballs in a batting practice cage.  Most of the balls have Read more…

Effective compassion can improve our declining morality. What can we do to improve morality?  We must  improve morality if we want to stop sexual harassment, racial discrimination, the use of illegal drugs, and violence. Reversing the decline in morality is Read more…

Encouraging you to work together on near a river.

By working together, we will always succeed.  Last night my husband and I watched President Trump’s State of the Union Address together.  I do not agree with everything that Trump has done, but I loved the theme of his speech. Read more…

Encouraging you to keep trying first and always on near a river.

What do you do first when you do not succeed? In November of last year, we tried to leave for our winter trip.  But life got in the way in the form of health issues.  At our first stop, my Read more…

Encouraging you to say thank you on near a river.

A thank you to someone who has been very important in my life. Dear Mother, Thank you for everything you have done for me. For giving me life and keeping me alive during my childhood years, I thank you. The Read more…

Encouragement to make just one resolution on Near a River.

What would your one resolution for next year be?  Here is my choice. If you only make one resolution, what would it be? My one resolution is to love myself unconditionally. Here is the true story that explains the reason Read more…

Encouraging you to help us avoid more thoughts and prayers events on near a river.

Right now we need more than just “thoughts and prayers”! How many more “thoughts and prayers” events will happen before we wake up and prevent them? There have been too many thoughts and prayers events recently! On October 1, 2017, Read more…

Encouraging you to never give up on near a river.

Muniba Mazari’s story will inspire you to never give up! A woman was 18 year old when she got married. Her father wanted her to get married, so she said to her father, “If that makes you happy, I will Read more…

Encouraging you to fail better on near a river.

Do you keep failing and not reaching your goals? Continue to fail better and succeed! He was born into a middle-class family and his father was a farmer. Because he was a hard worker, Oxford University admitted him. During his Read more…

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