When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: never give up

Encouraging you to learn from the example of John Wanamaker on near a river.

What can you learn from John Wanamaker? About fifty years ago my husband knew a man named John Wanamaker in Philadelphia who owned Wanamaker Department Store.  This man’s grandfather was the Mr. Wanamaker who ushered  America into the consumer age.  Read more…

Encouraging you to wait for a rainbow on near a river.

My surgeon says I must simply wait–wait for a rainbow. On January 19, 2018, part of my right foot was amputated just as part of my left foot was in June of last year.  My left foot healed quickly with Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids quit bj rae bald eagle

I quit.  I resign from all of these things. You can call me a quitter, but I have changed. Effective immediately with no advance notice, I am resigning from all the things that do not make me happy. I quit Read more…

Encouraging you to know that I love you on near a river.

If I love you, I will love you with all of my heart… Yesterday evening we arrived in my hometown where I grew up. Last night I had strange dreams all night.  Some were about the challenges I experienced here, Read more…

near a river encouragement for children privacy bj rae bald eagle

In today’s world, we all need to take steps to protect our privacy. A song that was popular when I was in high school was “I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me”.  At that time, society would call a person Read more…

Here is another way to think about any disadvantages in your life! Traumatic brain injury is definitely one of my disadvantages. It causes me to not remember words and often I feel very embarrassed.  Even if I know the subject Read more…

Encouraging you to learn from a woman of experience on near a river.

Learn what you can from a woman of experience and make your life easier. My husband teases me lots. Among other things, he calls me a woman of experience.  Although I do not have that kind of experience, I do Read more…

Encouraging to remove what offends you from your life on Near a River.

Remove what offends you from your life and move forward! Something has been offending me for many years–my Mother’s lack of love for me. Since I am the result of my Mother’s extra marital affair, she did never show love Read more…

Encouraging you to be aware of holiday scammers on Near a River.

Watch out for scammers this season! Families, retailers, and consumers are not the only ones getting ready this holiday season.  Scammers are also working to maximize their profits.  Watch out for your money by avoiding these five seasonal scams that Read more…

Encouraging you to read this journal for your health on Near a River.

Do you feel unwell? Please read this journal about mold issues. Do you or someone you know have allergies and asthma or other health conditions?  If so, please read this journal. Journal November, 1975 My Mother remarried. Unfortunately, the man Read more…

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