When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: never give up

Encouraging you to be a Secret Santa on Near a River.

How one Secret Santa inspired many others to “pay it forward”. During the winter of 1971, young Larry Stewart from Mississippi was at the end of his rope.  The college dropout was out of both work and money.  He’d been Read more…

Encouraging you to cope well when someone betrays you on Near a River.

When someone betrays you, you need to time to heal. Yesterday someone I care about betrayed me and today I happened upon written proof of this. Betrayal is one of the most devastating experiences a person can have. Only someone Read more…

Encouraging you to be a great person on Near a River.

Great people have one common denominator:  they help others, even people they do not know. Why should we help people we do not know?  Too many people think, “If I help a stranger, what might happen to me?  But truly Read more…

Encouraging you to remember how blessed you are on Near a River.

May everyone have a blessed life. A college track coach lined up the members of his team.  “Everyone, line up shoulder to shoulder. We are about to race!” he announced. Coach Jim explained, “The winner will win this $100 bill.  Read more…

near a river encouraging words think ahead bj rae bald eagle

Think ahead and prevent January blues. It can be difficult to think ahead to a few months from now, but time passes quickly.  And what we do today affects our future. It is now the end of November.  Our actions Read more…

Encouraging you to respect yourself on near a river.

You must respect yourself if you want others to do the same. Please stop going back to the same people who do not respect you, who have hurt you again and again. The people who lie to you and who Read more…

Encouraging you to help us avoid more thoughts and prayers events on near a river.

Right now we need more than just “thoughts and prayers”! How many more “thoughts and prayers” events will happen before we wake up and prevent them? There have been too many thoughts and prayers events recently! On October 1, 2017, Read more…

Encouraging you to cope with rejection on near a river.

Rejection does not have to ruin your day! Do you seek relationships with others who do not want to connect with you? Do you let rejection get you down? My mother had rejected me my entire life. Over the years Read more…

Encouraging you to not stand alone on near a river.

It is very unwise to stand alone, especially when life’s storms hit! Monday morning around midnight, a storm with 60 mph winds began to overwhelm our small mountain community.  The wind blew trees to places they should not be, onto Read more…

Encouraging you to slow down on near a river.

These signs mean that your body is telling you to slow down! Have you ever done something stupid and wished you could go back in time to correct what you did? Yesterday, I did something stupid. I really wish I Read more…

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