When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: peace

Encouraging you to heed this OJ Simpson message on near a river.

Everyone who heeds the message of OJ Simpson will be much more successful in life! OJ Simpson is right on! This morning I was watching the news at breakfast.  A story came on about OJ Simpson being released from prison Read more…

Encouraging you to prepare for a storm on near a river.

When I was a child, a bad storm caused our town to be evacuated. We were unprepared… When I was growing up, a storm caught us off guard and we were suddenly ordered to evacuate.  Unprepared for this event, I Read more…

When you die, others will remember you as you treated them. Do you want to be remembered well? Today I attended a friend’s funeral service.  There was no tension or bad feelings and the mood was peaceful, loving, and gentle.  Read more…

You can make a choice that leads to peace, happiness, and feeling relaxed. Guess what?  I feel happy and peaceful and relaxed. Today I made a choice. I turned off all electronic devices all day.  I walked, played basketball, and Read more…

Be kind to everyone.  Your kindness could save someone’s life! I am in tears as I write this post. On Monday, June 19, 2017, a Christian fifteen-year-old girl named Sadie L. Briggs took her own life. In Sadie’s obituary, her Read more…

You can cope with pain without narcotic medications.  I had a hard day.  I woke up at 3 am, then we drove for a few hours to have part of my left foot amputated at 7:30 am and then we Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids celebrate life bj rae bald eagle

To be healthy and happy, celebrate life instead of holding a grudge! Even though I have plenty to be angry about, I celebrate life, not anger or the hard times I have been through. When I was a young child, my Read more…

Encouraging you to eliminate futility in your life on near a river.

How to eliminate futility in your life to improve your well being! Frequently the trees that surround our mountain home drop sticks into our yard.  This morning I noticed an odd-looking stick from a white birch tree.  It was about Read more…

near a river encouraging words for children Pepsi can bj rae bald eagle

Finally reaching a goal as small as getting a Pepsi can from behind a fence improved my issues. We live in a rural mountain community.  The scenery is beautiful, but too often people passing by throw their trash by the Read more…

near a river encouragement Ashley Judd bj rae eagle

Overcome your depression the way Ashley Judd overcame hers! My husband and I both have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I have overcome my depression issues. He is still working on his. I always encourage him to use Ashley Read more…

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