When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Pajama Power!

Encouraging you to experience the power of pajamas on near a river.

Spending time relaxing in your pajamas has a powerful effect!

Today snow has been blanketing our home since seven this morning and I cannot go outside because I might fall. So I have spent the entire day in my Mickey Mouse pajamas.

Just because I did not bother to get dressed today does not mean I have accomplished nothing.  Practicing piano for an hour, working on the website, reading a good book, and snuggling with my husband while we watched the snow come down count for something!  But the most important thing I have done today is relax.

Taking a day off to simply hang out at home in pajamas once in a while is a good thing.  Spending a day relaxing has a powerful effect on your heart, mind, and soul.

A bit concerned about the intensity of my pain after amputation surgery in two weeks, I have been getting more and more high strung lately.  Yesterday I actually almost snapped at one of our cute little dogs. So today I am relaxing and mellowing out in my pajamas.

When life hits you hard with too much stress, please listen to your inner voice and take time to nourish your soul.  Go ahead and stay in your pajamas all day and do whatever you feel like doing. Take time to relax.  Eliminate all pressure to accomplish things and do whatever you want to do (as long as it is legal, of course) for a whole day.  Or for just a few hours if you only have a few hours to spare.

Take time off to relax when the stress of living gets under your skin. Remember there is power in spending some time in your pajamas!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Remove what offends you from your life so you can move forward!

Try to stay warm without overheating your heating bill.

Struggling to forgive?  Try doing this first…

Be kind and love yourself…


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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