When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Paper-Thin Love

What is paper-thin love and why is it not good for our society?

Encouraging you to discourage paper-thin love and promote tough love on near a river.
Encouragement to promote tough love on near a river.

Nowadays too many people embrace a paper-thin form of love. This love promotes warm and fuzzy feelings but has no expectations that others live up to acceptable standards.

Twelve days ago, a 34 year-old man whose father my husband knows died as a result of a drug overdose.  Sadly, everyone around him, including his family members, only gave him paper-thin love.  They knew he was using illegal drugs and did not take strong action to stop him from his illegal activities. They wanted him to know they loved him and gave him warm and fuzzy-feeling love instead of tough love.

What would have happened had this man’s family given him tough love, if they had forced him to face the authorities for his illegal activity?  He might still be alive. Had his family members called law enforcement and told them that he was using illegal drugs, law enforcement could have arrested him for possession of or purchasing illegal drugs.  Law enforcement could have saved his life by putting this man in jail and forcing him to get the help he needed.

I do not lack compassion for this family, nor am I judging.  Instead, I am just stating that if we as a society promoted tough love instead of paper-thin love, we could prevent many deaths.

Does someone you care about use illegal drugs or abuse prescription drugs?  Please do not give him or her paper-thin love with warm and fuzzy feelings.  Instead, please try to save a life by giving tough love with expectations for acceptable behavior. Talk with your loved one about what he or she is doing, tell him or her you expect change, and do what you can to facilitate the needed change. Then, if the change does not occur, perhaps you could consider letting authorities who can legally intervene help him or her by making sure he or she gets the needed help.

You do not want your loved one to end up like the 34 year-old son of my husband’s business associate, whose ashes are now in an urn.

Our society does not have to lose so many lives to drugs!


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3 comments on “Paper-Thin Love


This is a much needed message B J and thanks for sharing it. I pray many will take this to heart and in so doing will ovoid the pain and loss of a loved one.

Chrisandra Lesley Willoughby

Thank you. Bless YOU! I once saved a life with tough love. Hard to do but worth it. Been very I’ll healing bit by bit. Love and hugs

Chrisandra Lesley Willoughby

Thank you BJ.


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