When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Permit No Weeds!

Strategies to permit no weeds in your garden and your life so you can be happy!

Encouraging you to permit no weeds in your life garden on Near a River.

I love gardening.  I have a large garden with veggies and fruit. My garden has NO weeds.  I permit no weeds in my garden (pictured above). Nor do I permit them in my life.

By weeds in my garden, I mean any unwanted plants.  By weeds in my life, I mean anything that might hinder me from being successful.

I use four strategies to prevent weeds.

  • Prepare the soil carefully.

Make certain it is fertile enough for the type of plants you are growing.

I am growing tomatoes, green beans, lettuce, raspberries, and blueberries this year.  My soil was tilled with manure and then sprayed with miracle grow before I planted the garden.

In the garden of your life, take good care of yourself.  Surround yourself with people who love and accept you for who you are.    Take time as much as possible to do things you enjoy doing.  This makes your soul happy and less likely to be threatened when a weed tries to enter your life.

  • Plant only the best quality plants.

I bought my plants at a nursery that is known for quality plants.

In the garden of your life, plant good things that bring you happiness and joy.  In my life, I have planted music, writing, reading, time with family and friends, and hobbies like computers.

  • Prevent weeds.

As you plant your garden, make certain there are no weeds.  Start by laying down a weed barrier and then cutting small holes in it to plant your plants. Then mulch the areas on top of the weed barrier with the type of mulch that will enable the proper PH for your plants to grow.  The weed barrier and the mulch will stifle the growth of the weeds.

In the garden of your life, place weed barrier and mulch around yourself by surrounding yourself with good people who love you.  Do not allow negative people to drag you down.  Look for the good in your life at all times.  Do not allow sadness, depression, and anxiety to sneak in.

  • When weeds do pop up, get them with your hoe!

Still occasionally, a weed will pop up.  Dig it out with your hoe and throw it in a place where it cannot bother your garden again.  When weeds pop up in my garden, I  throw them in the back of the woods around our home and bury them.

In the garden of your life, sometimes a weed will pop up.   You must simply smother it by thinking positive thoughts then putting it out of your mind.

For example, my older sister, who claims to be a Christian and is a worship leader at her church in Georgia, has always been negative to me. She has been very negative to me recently and this time I tried to smother her negativity by continuing to be positive.  When her negativity kept popping up, I told her that she is a toxic person and I prefer she leave me alone.  She still tried to send me negative snail mail but I had someone filtering my mail.

She simply is not allowed to be negative with me any longer.


Weeds in your garden prevent good plant results.  They do the same thing in your life.  Weeds in your life can be more challenging to eliminate than weeds in your garden, but you can eliminate them.

If you have ever suffered with depression, anxiety, or PTSD like I have, you should permit no weeds in your life for your own well-being!

Be happy. Permit no weeds in in your garden or in your life!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


I simply quit!

Respect yourself first.

Succeed in all relationships.

Yes, you can truly love life again…


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!



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