When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Play Nice

The leaders of our government do not always play nice.  Here is one thing that would end the current shutdown and prevent future shutdowns.

near a river encouragement play nice bj rae eagle

When I was a child, the rule for being in the company of other people was simple.  Play nice or don’t play at all.  When one child did not follow this rule, (s)he had to sit alone.

Our government leaders are not playing nicely right now.  As a result, some Americans are suffering.  They will not receive their paychecks until the shutdown ends and they may have to report to work in spite of his fact. Unfortunately, our national parks are closed due to this mess also.

But what if there were a rule for playing nice for all of our government leaders—members of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the President.  What if this play nice rule simply stated that when our government shuts down because of their inability to get along, none of them would receive a paycheck until they resolved their differences.

If none of them received a paycheck until our government was completely open, but that had to work anyway, how long do you think a shutdown would last? And, if they were not seeing eye to eye and a shutdown was a possibility with this rule in effect, don’t you think they would work together much better?

I know that some of the members of our two legislative bodies have given up their paychecks until the shutdown ends, but not every member can afford to do that.  Some members are not well off and depend on their paychecks to provide food and shelter for their families.  These members would put plenty of pressure on the others to communicate more effectively and work out their differences, I think.

Perhaps we simply need to require our leaders to play nice.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Don’t like the current leaders? Raise your child to be a leader!

Yes, two opposed people can get along peacefully.

What ingredient do we need to get along?

One person does not fall alone…


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