When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Are You Sad?

Encouraging you to not be sad on near a river.

If you feel sad, please read this. You are not alone! This is how to overcome sadness.

When you feel sad, your feeling is all-consuming.  It is a dark feeling that makes you wonder if you will ever feel good again.

Sometimes it lasts for an hour, for weeks, or for months or years.

It can happen because someone was unkind to you or simply because it is winter and you are not getting enough natural light. But maybe someone broke your heart.

You are not the first person to feel this way and you will not be the last.

If I could, I would give you your happiness back again, but I cannot.  All I can do is offer some advice that has helped me when I felt unhappy.

Treat yourself well!

This means taking good care of yourself.  Eat well.  Get enough sleep.  Take walks.  Trust those who care about you when the going gets rough.

Do not allow yourself to wallow in your unhappiness.  Get out of bed every morning at the same time no matter how you feel and force yourself to exercise every day.  Spend time with others even if you do not feel like it.

Look to role models!

The people who have gotten past their sadness were not better than you.  They were not stronger than you nor did they have fewer troubles than you.  Like you, they felt weak and sad and did not want to hang on.

But, they forced themselves to keep going.  They knew life would get better and it eventually did.  So each day, they got out of bed, and kept trying until they felt better.  You can do it too! Look to these people as role models when you feel you cannot go on.

I have gotten past my dark days, and I am no stronger than you are.  I had many troubles and felt weak and sad and like I did not want to hang on. Waking up each day, I got out of bed and forced myself to keep trying until my life got better.  And it definitely has gotten much better!


You are not a weak person because you are sad and you are not a failure.

Just remember that you are human.  You are okay.  You are not wrong for feeling the way you feel and you have to treat yourself well.

Most of all, remember you are not alone.  If you need to chat, I am on Facebook.  Bobbie Jo Rae.  I will listen to you and chat with you.  I care about you.

Parents, if your child seems sad, make sure he or she gets adequate support.

If someone you know feels sad, please listen to him or her.  It is important to listen to anyone who is feeling down.  You might be saving a life by listening without judging!

Please take care of yourself when you feel sad.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


It is your decision.

The impossible is possible.

Who leaves footprints in your heart? 

Can’t never could and can always does!


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