Take Back Your Power!

Encouragement to take back your power on near a river.

Yes, you can take back your power and have a successful life!

Do you know how to take back your power to have a successful life?  Read on if you want to learn.

Get out of victim mode.  In victim mode, you blame others for your problems and blaming others does not solve anything.

How can you get out of victim mode? Realize the difference between fault and responsibility. The hardships you have experienced in your life are not your fault.  If your parents were not good parents, that is not your fault.  But you are an adult now so it is your responsibility to deal with your emotional issues and change the way you deal with your problems.

Responsibility is not an admission of guilt. Instead it is a recognition of the power you feel when you stop blaming others for your problems.  Taking responsibility is taking back the power to have a good and successful life.

For example, the fact that a rude 30 year-old woman on Facebook has not liked me since she met me is not my fault.  It is not my fault that she attacks me verbally as rudely as possible when she can.  Her problems are probably rooted in a long-standing conflict that began long before I even met anyone in her family (she copies her aunt’s behavior and attacks verbally just like her aunt does!). But blaming her accomplishes nothing.  I am responsible for how I respond to her and how I control my emotions.  So I must avoid exposure to her negative verbal attacks and avoid getting angry.  Getting angry accomplishes nothing.  Good emotional management enables me to have good successful days. I refuse to be her victim, or anyone else’s.

Taking responsibility gets you out of victim mode and enables you to take back your power to have a successful life.  I hope you have a successful life no matter what you have experienced in your past.


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