Quitter’s Day?

Today is Quitter’s Day. Will you quit or strengthen your resolve?

Today is quitter’s day, the day that most people give up on their good intentions to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions.

My New Year’s resolution was to change my diet so I can be healthier for the rest of my life.  Since diabetes runs in my family, I gave up sugar and all sugar substitutes to prevent insulin resistance.  Yes, sugar substitutes may claim to have zero calories, but they do not fool your body.  Sugar substitutes actually increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Since I have more than one sweet tooth, this has been hard for me.  Before I made this commitment, I bought dark chocolate almost every time I walked into a store.  I munched Dove dark chocolate mint candies when I walked in the mornings.  Even worse, I shared them with my walking partner, although we were both walking for the same health reasons.

Now, when I am not exercising my brain, my brain exercises my will power and tempts me to eat the chocolate I was addicted to. (We did not throw out the chocolate we have in our home since my hubby likes it too.) But, even though today is quitter’s day, I am not giving up on my goal of surviving without sweeteners. I have already lost 15 pounds, and this success propels me forward and strengthens my resolve to continue in my efforts. Every time I am tempted to give up on my goal, I picture myself weighing as little as I did the day I graduated from high school and remind myself that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

Today, I challenge you to join me and strengthen your resolve, regardless of how hard it gets.

You have heard the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.  But, how can you get going like the tough people do?

Always remember the words of Muhammed Ali, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

Celebrate today by getting going instead of quitting!


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