Taking a Road Trip?

Some tips that will help you make your road trip successful.

Today my husband drove 500 miles to work on a house again.  His trip was going well until he got stuck in heavy traffic on a busy highway.  Traffic inched along, so he called me and we chatted.  Since he has diabetes, his blood sugar began to drop.  Fortunately, I had packed him two meals to eat in the car as he drove. So he ate and we chatted until traffic moved again. He saw a car with fussing children in the backseat next to him.  Probably the kids were just as tired as the adults in every other car were.  They may have been hungry and thirsty also.

In one fifteen minute period, he was only able to move forward about two feet.  What was the cause of this delay?

After inching through traffic for over 20 miles, he saw the accident. A speeding driver had been driving behind a commercial transport truck and drove up under it.  Of course, the top of the car was destroyed as were the lives of the car’s occupants.

Thank goodness my husband travels well and arrived safely at his destination! Here are the rules he follows on a road trip to ensure his safe arrival.

  • Drive with traffic, not too fast or too slow.
  • Always leave plenty of space between your car and the car in front of you.
  • Pay attention to the other drivers on the road and try to anticipate what they will do next. Anticipating what other drivers will do gives you more time to react to their moves.
  • Carry food and drink in case you get stuck in traffic, even if you plan to stop and eat in a restaurant. Especially if you are diabetic or need to eat on a schedule for medical reasons.
  • Be patient always! Never get in a hurry and take unnecessary risks.

I know that this information is common knowledge, but many people take road trips this time of year and it does not hurt to remind everyone of these rules.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Have a peaceful road trip!

It is never necessary to be a jerk, is it?

We all have finite resources. Use yours well!

What would you do if this happened during your trip?


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