When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Save Our Planet!

Are you concerned about global warming and want to save our planet?  If you are, keep reading…

near a river for children encouragement save our planet bj rae eagle

To solve our planet’s global warming crisis, we must consider how we created this mess, what we can to do fix it, as well as where we can find the money to do this.

How did we get into this mess?

In the last part of the twentieth century, we became greedy. Suddenly each person old enough to drive in a household had to have his or her own car, and too many people could not bother with using public transportation.  We needed more and more things, and the factories that manufactured these things created emissions that also contributed to the problem.

What can we to do to fix it?

To improve our world, we must first change our mindset.  Instead of thinking about ourselves first, we must first think about sharing resources to benefit our planet and our society.

Where can we find the money to fix this huge problem?

For more than forty years, humans spent a great deal of money creating our problem, and solving it will cost billions of dollars.

Raising taxes would not help at all.  The IRS would have to tax every American at the rate of 50% for too many years to raise enough money to fix our plight. Every American would have to pay so much in taxes that (s)he could not afford to survive. Another drawback to this solution is that too many people would find tax loopholes and not pay their share.

Even if Congress redistributed the wealth of every wealthy US citizen, each American might get as much as $2.  Wealthy people contribute jobs to our economy, and they would surely not do this if our government took away their resources.  Without enough jobs, American families would suffer dire financial consequences.

Americans cannot fund an expensive solution for global warming, along with the high cost of health care for everyone, along with the high cost our country pays for illegal immigrants.  We must choose saving our planet as our top priority if we want to do that.

So, if saving our planet is your priority, perhaps you should consider allowing President Trump to build his wall and keep illegal immigrants out of our country. The legal immigrants who come here to work and support themselves in honest jobs would not be kept out by a wall, but it would stop a larger percentage of the illegal immigrants. And illegal immigrants cost US taxpayers billions of dollars each year.

Illegal immigrants run up our expenses in key areas–the judicial system, the prison system, as well as our health care system. They do this by bringing illegal drugs and other criminal activities into our country.

Allowing our President to build a wall along our Southern border is the fastest way to raise the money to save our planet. The wall he proposes would probably raise billions of dollars each year without overtaxing the American taxpayers.

We can fix our global warming problem, but we have to set our priorities first!


Thomas Jefferson’s advice still applies in the 21st century.

Please think about how future generations will live!

Has life given you “the finger” recently?

Are there any easy answers in life?


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Thomas Jefferson’s advice still applies in the 21st century.

Please think about how future generations will live!

Americans need to reimage the United States…

Are there any easy answers in life?


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