Don’t Scratch!

Scratch others and yourself.  Help others, help yourself!

There is a card game I like to play with friends.  It is called Scratch.  In this game, you bid on how many tricks you will take.  You get points if you take the exact number of tricks you bid, or you get scratched and receive no points if you take a different number of tricks.

I have noticed something when playing scratch.  One player is never scratched alone.  Two players always go down.   For example, I play first.  I play my Ace of spades card.  Then the friend to my left trumps my Ace of spades with a low-value heart trump card.  I do not make my bid because I was counting on that trick.  The friend who trumped my Ace also gets scratched because she got an extra trick.

Life is like the game of scratch.  When you do things that hurt others, you hurt yourself also. When you help others, you end up helping yourself.

I know two women whose lives prove this point, my Mother and my Grandma.

My Mother has spent her whole life being negative to others.  She scratches others every chance she gets. When her health declined in the last year, she had to move all the way to an apartment three states away just to have someone nearby to help her when she needs help.  She scratched many others throughout her life, and when she needed help others scratched her back.

But my Grandma spent her life helping others.  She helped others every chance she got, every day of her life.  Everyone helped her until her health forced her into a nursing home.  Her love of helping others enabled her to stay in her home for many extra years.

Take time to help others every day of your life.  Do not scratch others.  Scratching others only hurts yourself in the long run.  Besides, helping others is a great way to change the world!  When you change the world by helping others, you also make the world a better place for yourself to live in.

Parents, please set a good example for your children.  Please help others every chance you get. You will teach your children to help others and help themselves when they are older!


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Yes, the impossible is possible. 

Leaders should always “play well” together.


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