When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: get you down

Encouraging you to cope with rejection on near a river.

Rejection does not have to ruin your day! Do you seek relationships with others who do not want to connect with you? Do you let rejection get you down? My mother had rejected me my entire life. Over the years Read more…

Does this monster live within you?  If it does, it may be causing you to feel lousy and depressed! Does a monster within you ever make you feel poorly, depressed, and anxious? Someone I know has several monsters inside him–a Read more…

Encouraging you to remain young longer on near a river.

Do you want to know a secret that helps people remain young longer? Did you know that exercise dramatically slows the aging process?  It does.  New research suggests that exercise helps people look and remain young longer. British researchers compared Read more…

Encouraging you to slow down on near a river.

These signs mean that your body is telling you to slow down! Have you ever done something stupid and wished you could go back in time to correct what you did? Yesterday, I did something stupid. I really wish I Read more…

Encouraging you to help in a bad US crisis on near a river.

How bad does this situation have to get before we take action? An estimated 3 million children are being cared for by someone other than parents in the US today. I know four of these three million children personally.   Here Read more…

Eight ways you can protect your computer and your identity! Does your computer ever run slow?  Have you ever gotten the FBI Virus or “Wanna cry” in it? Protect your computer from viruses and malware!  Having a Trojan computer virus Read more…

near a river encouragement for children focus bj rae bald eagle

Ways you can improve your focus and be more successful at anything! When you get distracted, do you struggle to focus and remember things?  I do.  As we get older, this often gets worse. I have found that these strategies Read more…

What are the best ways to keep your memory sharp? As my husband and I get older, our brains slow down.  This is normal and does not mean that we are on the path to Alzheimer’s.  It just means we Read more…

Encouraging you to not be sad on near a river.

If you feel sad, please read this. You are not alone! This is how to overcome sadness. When you feel sad, your feeling is all-consuming.  It is a dark feeling that makes you wonder if you will ever feel good Read more…

Encouraging you will survive on near a river.

Struggling?  Remind yourself that you will survive. Just breathe. You will be okay. Remind yourself of all the times in the past that you felt this way. This anxious and overwhelmed. This depressed. This stressed. The times you have been Read more…

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