When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: get you down

Three strategies you can use to get the promotion you deserve! Have you ever wondered why you are passed up for promotions at work?  Even though you always do your best and accomplish your work goals? Tonight on my way Read more…

Encouraging you to help stop violence on near a river.

Yes, you can help stop the violence in our world! There are many forms of violence.  Terrorism, domestic violence, rape, murder, and assault. Sane people like us do not like violence. So why do people become violent. What can we Read more…

Encouraging you to hug for your health on near a river.

Improve your health by hugging as much as possible every day of your life! When I was a child, my Grandma always gave me lots of hugs.  Her hugs made me feel better no matter what was going on in Read more…

Encouraging you to make a difference in how you feel on near a river.

You can make a difference in how you feel. My husband and I are two different people with the similar health issues.  We both have major depression, PTSD, and anxiety issues.  How we cope makes a huge difference in how Read more…

near a river encouragement for children surprise yourself bj rae bald eagle

Six methods to get motivated in spite of your depression. When you feel depressed, your battery is dead. You simply cannot start your engine and get moving. Once you jump your engine, it is easier to get moving. But how Read more…

near a river encouragement laugh bj rae eagle

Laugh and overcome depression and anxiety. My husband loves to laugh. He teases me all day most days. On the days when he does not tease me, I worry about him. My husband is a disabled Vietnam veteran. He suffers Read more…

near a river encouragement for children best bj rae bald eagle

Enable yourself to overcome depression by doing your best every moment of every day. The Man in The Glass Author Unknown When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a Read more…

Encouraging you to cope with the stress of life on near a river.

Would you like to know what the simplest way to cope with the stress of life is? Did you know the suicide rate has gone up 30 percent since 1999? Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade both hung themselves this week. Read more…

Encouraging you to help us avoid more thoughts and prayers events on near a river.

Right now we need more than just “thoughts and prayers”! How many more “thoughts and prayers” events will happen before we wake up and prevent them? There have been too many thoughts and prayers events recently! On October 1, 2017, Read more…

Five ways you can reduce bills, from medical to heating bills. Do you have bills and want to save some money?  Of course you do. Here are some ways you can save money. Grants that pay for children’s health care. Read more…

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