When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: get you down

Encouraging you to be a superstar on near a river.

Do you know that you can become a Superstar? This morning a Superstar died at the age of 99. One of four children in his family, he grew up on a farm in Charlotte, NC.  At age 16, he heard Read more…

Encouragement to think about heaven and hell on near a river.

Have you heard what happened to the engineer when he died? After living a long and prosperous life, an Engineer died and went to Hell. He was miserable there.  So dissatisfied with the level of comfort, he started designing and Read more…

Encouragement to overcome hatred on near a river.

Do you know how to overcome hatred? We all get frustrated with a situation or a person at times.  Unfortunately, sometimes frustration turns into hatred, a bad option.  But if you feel hatred toward someone or something, how can you overcome Read more…

Encouraging you to learn from a woman of experience on near a river.

Learn what you can from a woman of experience and make your life easier. My husband teases me lots. Among other things, he calls me a woman of experience.  Although I do not have that kind of experience, I do Read more…

Encouraging you to learn from experience on near a river.

Learning from experience certainly makes life easier. Whatever you go through in life, please pay attention to it.  If you learn from your experience the first time, you can help yourself or someone else going through similar experiences. Seven months Read more…

Encouraging you to experience the power of pajamas on near a river.

Spending time relaxing in your pajamas has a powerful effect! Today snow has been blanketing our home since seven this morning and I cannot go outside because I might fall. So I have spent the entire day in my Mickey Read more…

Yes, we can change our crazy world for the better! Have you noticed that the world seems to have gone crazy lately?  Mass murders, sexual harassment, assaults, and internet crimes… Snowed in all day, I have been thinking about life Read more…

near a river encouragement dear friend bj rae eagle

If you or a friend struggles during the holiday season, please read and share this post! Dear Friend, Once again, the holidays are upon us.  In the midst of the excitement,  laughter, and cheer, I have not forgotten you.  The Read more…

Encouraging you to read this journal for your health on Near a River.

Do you feel unwell? Please read this journal about mold issues. Do you or someone you know have allergies and asthma or other health conditions?  If so, please read this journal. Journal November, 1975 My Mother remarried. Unfortunately, the man Read more…

Encouraging you to avoid loaning money on Near a River

Before you consider loaning money to someone you know, read this. Have you ever considered loaning money to someone you know? Not $15 to buy some lunch, but the hundreds or thousands of dollars someone wants to borrow. If so, Read more…

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