When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: get you down

Encouraging you to be a great person on Near a River.

Great people have one common denominator:  they help others, even people they do not know. Why should we help people we do not know?  Too many people think, “If I help a stranger, what might happen to me?  But truly Read more…

Encouraging you to eat better and feel better on Near a River.

Feel better right now, without medications! If you could make yourself feel better right now – with no prescriptions, pills, or side effects – would you do it? It’s actually very simple to eat your way to better health, with Read more…

Encouraging you to think clearly on Near a River.

Two strategies to help you think clearly, accomplish more, and feel happier. As a traumatic brain injury survivor, I often struggle to think clearly.  Some days my brain just does not want to work.  So I went to work researching. Read more…

Encouraging you to just breathe on near a river.

When you feel stressed, here is a great way to “just breathe” and actually relax… When you seem stressed, someone may tell you to “just breathe”.  But it is very hard to focus on your breathing when your mind is Read more…

Encouraging you to not stand alone on near a river.

It is very unwise to stand alone, especially when life’s storms hit! Monday morning around midnight, a storm with 60 mph winds began to overwhelm our small mountain community.  The wind blew trees to places they should not be, onto Read more…

Encouraging you to never give up on near a river.

Muniba Mazari’s story will inspire you to never give up! A woman was 18 year old when she got married. Her father wanted her to get married, so she said to her father, “If that makes you happy, I will Read more…

Encouraging you to understand vivid dreams on near a river.

Pay attention to your vivid dreams! I often have vivid dreams.  I wake up, knowing that I have had a strange and vivid dream.  And the odd thing is that I can remember what I dreamt when I wake up. Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy using social media on near a river.

Do you enjoy using social media? Do you enjoy sitting inside your home or office and chatting with people while you look at a computer screen?  I do not.  I would rather be outdoors and see people face to face. Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy a brunette joke on near a river.

I am brunette, so I pick on my own kind.  This is a brunette joke. There once was a brunette named BJ. BJ lived where you can get 6 feet of snow or more in one winter and she loved Read more…

Encouraging you to not worry on near a river.

  Worry does not accomplish anything! Worry!  It can be a real problem. As a child, I worried that my brothers would find my hiding spot, hold me down, and tickle me again until I wet myself in the house Read more…

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