When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: laugh

Encouraging you to connect with those you care about on near a river.

If you care about anyone,  connect with him when you think he may need kindness and support! I loved my older brother. Many years later, I can never forget the sound of his laughter when I was a child.  As Read more…

near a river encouragement for children focus bj rae bald eagle

Ways you can improve your focus and be more successful at anything! When you get distracted, do you struggle to focus and remember things?  I do.  As we get older, this often gets worse. I have found that these strategies Read more…

You can attract others and enjoy long-lasting relationships. You are a social human being and want to enjoy positive, long-lasting relationships with others.   Being physically attractive is a good start, but that is all it is. Did you know that Read more…

You can cope with pain without narcotic medications.  I had a hard day.  I woke up at 3 am, then we drove for a few hours to have part of my left foot amputated at 7:30 am and then we Read more…

Some great gift ideas for Father’s Day. Father’s Day is around the corner.  What can you get Dad that he will love?  Here are a few ideas. An appreciation card, cost $0. An appreciation card is simply a card that Read more…

How I cope with holiday depression. I feel depressed and anxious today on this holiday. Why am I depressed? I feel depressed and anxious for two reasons. First, my Grandma and brother are in heaven together and I miss them.  Grandma Read more…

near a river encouragement Ashley Judd bj rae eagle

Overcome your depression the way Ashley Judd overcame hers! My husband and I both have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I have overcome my depression issues. He is still working on his. I always encourage him to use Ashley Read more…

near a river encouragement PTSD bj rae eagle

Overcome PTSD using these strategies. PTSD is difficult to deal with.  My husband and I both work at it every day of our lives. We always try to put away painful recollections of the past. We do our best to exercise these Read more…

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