When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: never give up

near a river encouraging words for kids proud woman bj rae bald eagle

I am a woman and proud of that! If you are a woman, do you feel proud?  I do! Whatever you give a woman, she takes it and makes it much better. If you give a woman sperm, she turns Read more…

Encouraging you to appreciate what I learned as a child on near a river.

An adult will probably never part from what he learned as a child. For most of my childhood, I lived with my divorced Mother and siblings.  I learned many things as a child. Here are some of them. Religion My Read more…

Eight ways you can protect your computer and your identity! Does your computer ever run slow?  Have you ever gotten the FBI Virus or “Wanna cry” in it? Protect your computer from viruses and malware!  Having a Trojan computer virus Read more…

Encouraging you to prepare for a storm on near a river.

When I was a child, a bad storm caused our town to be evacuated. We were unprepared… When I was growing up, a storm caught us off guard and we were suddenly ordered to evacuate.  Unprepared for this event, I Read more…

Encouraging you to connect with those you care about on near a river.

If you care about anyone,  connect with him when you think he may need kindness and support! I loved my older brother. Many years later, I can never forget the sound of his laughter when I was a child.  As Read more…

You can attract others and enjoy long-lasting relationships. You are a social human being and want to enjoy positive, long-lasting relationships with others.   Being physically attractive is a good start, but that is all it is. Did you know that Read more…

Encouraging you to not be sad on near a river.

If you feel sad, please read this. You are not alone! This is how to overcome sadness. When you feel sad, your feeling is all-consuming.  It is a dark feeling that makes you wonder if you will ever feel good Read more…

Encouraging you to hug for your health on near a river.

Improve your health by hugging as much as possible every day of your life! When I was a child, my Grandma always gave me lots of hugs.  Her hugs made me feel better no matter what was going on in Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids bald e

Just how does music improve life? Whether you like rock or Christian music, I am sure you agree with me that music makes life better. The power of music! Did you know that music heals the body and the brain?  It Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids can do bj rae bald bald eagle

Recently I was able to conquer something I thought I would never do again.  Memory loss can happen with various conditions.  Depression, anxiety, PTSD, dysthymia, traumatic brain injury, and others. Although I have overcome my depression, my traumatic brain injury (TBI) Read more…

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