When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: overcome depression

A new fantastic medical treatment is changing lives.  It just might change yours. The Vietnam Veteran slept, snuggled up next to his wife. Each time noise from outside invaded the silence in their safe bedroom, his legs and arms moved Read more…

near a river, she is real, encouragement, bj rae, bald eagle

This is the story of a real person I happen to know. Have you ever felt the way she feels?  Usually, she puts on a brave smile instead of revealing her inner pain, but now she sobs into her pillows. Read more…

Encouraging you to avoid being at time traveler on near a river.

Are you a time traveler like many people are?  If you might be, read on… Some people’s brains cause them to be a time traveler. Why? Some brains are just not comfy with the uncertainty of the present and the Read more…

What is the key to happiness?  What makes some people happy while others continually feel depressed? The key to happiness cannot be found in a pill bottle, nor can it be found by shopping or spoiling yourself rotten. It is Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids who do you have bj rae bald eagle

What success can you have even when the odds are stacked against you?  Who do you have within yourself? If you think life has stacked the odds against you and those odds are keeping you from becoming successful, read on. Read more…

Encouragement to create your biggest accomplishment on near a river.

What is your biggest accomplishment? I do not know what your biggest accomplishment is, but mine is bouncing back. Bouncing back has many meanings, but to me it means these things. Refusing to listen to any negative chatter in my Read more…

Encouraging you to learn from the story of Mark Elklund on near a river.

The story of Vietnam soldier Mark Elklund has a message for all of us. At Saint Mary’s Catholic School in Morris, Minnesota, there was a third grade class.  The Sister teaching the students in the class loved all of them, Read more…

Encouraging you to understand why people commit suicide on near a river.

Why do famous and wealthy people commit suicide? Today the famous designer Kate Spade hung herself in her New York City apartment.  Most of us wonder why someone who is rich, famous, and appears to have it all would take Read more…

What do you think about as you enjoy your Memorial Day barbecue? Every year holidays come and go.  Too many of us think of each holiday as simply a day of paid time off work. I believe Memorial Day is Read more…

Encouragement for Vietnam veterans to seek compensation they deserve for their health issues on near a river.

Do you know any Vietnam veterans? If you do, please share this with them! My husband served in Vietnam and has experienced the effects of exposure to Agent Orange. Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam causes a variety of health Read more…

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