When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: peace

Do  you need to make room for peace in your life? When your mind is too cluttered, you cannot function well.  You cannot think clearly or peacefully solve problems. Also, the world around you contributes to your emotional state and Read more…

Encouraging you to always feel at peace on near a river.

Do you feel at peace about your life? At 10 am tomorrow morning, I will be under general anesthesia for amputation surgery.  This does not bother me at all, because I have had 17 surgeries and I am peace with Read more…

Goodbye, 2020! Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I have New Year’s hopes this year. 2020, you were such a horrible year. First, in April my neurologist formally diagnosed me with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, the most painful disease that exists. Read more…

Sir, this one is for you… Dear President Trump,   On our money we print “In God we trust’. But this favor I ask you, because I must. Our economy you’ve raised from deader than dead, Though that couldn’t be Read more…

The New National Dance! Have you seen the new US national dance? The YMCA is a United States Symbol. This national organization has helped millions of kids to grow up healthy. It supports communities and neighbors. When I was a Read more…

We can all learn something from the story of Georgie! Today I watched something interesting. Two dogs, who had previously been their own little pack, met Georgie in their own home. The pack members and this outsider walked in circles, Read more…

Do you watch Fox News?  WARNING: NO CHILD SHOULD READ THIS POST! This morning I lay in bed and watched the news. First, I turned to CNN and heard a story about the ‘peaceful protests’.  Last night at the Democratic Read more…

cancel anger bj rae encouragement

Anger has been causing riots, murders, and damage to public property. How can we cancel anger? Anger is a complex problem. People feel this emotion when they have unmet needs and expectations. No feeling is ever wrong, but how we Read more…

encouragement for all make life easier bj rae

Life can be easier in America! Here is one suggestion… Due to too much tension, life at the moment life is hard in many US cities. Rioters have physically destroyed businesses. They have also destroyed public property and some have Read more…

celebrate July 4 bj rae

Happy Fourth of July! Do you remember the song by Prince called “1999”?  When I was in high school, we danced to a song called “1999’ by a popular musician named Prince. This song addressed a concern during the Reagan Read more…

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