When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: peace

bobbie j rae bj rae meaning

Sometimes the words we use every day take on a new meaning. On September 5, 2019, I had major orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, that particular area of my body suffered injury too soon after the surgery, and complex regional pain syndrome Read more…

When you throw dirt, you lose ground. Some people or companies are just plain mean. They do, say, email or text mean things.  Are you one of these people or businesses? You might be one if: Without making amends, you Read more…

Have you ever made a big promise? On a cold November day almost twenty years ago, I suddenly got the feeling I should try to reach my Grandma. Immediately I called her at the hospice house where she was staying, Read more…

Americans, here is our manifesto. Americans are all one people. We aren’t black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. Although we may be Democrats, Republicans, or independents, we are all Americans first. Recently the morality and compassion of America has diminished, as Read more…

near a river contagion bj rae bald eagle encouragement

What is the cause of the contagion that is taking over our country? On August 5, 2019, President Trump said in his address that the El Paso shooting was consumed by hate and is a part of an evil contagion. Read more…

traits solutions, ,violence, near a river, bj rae,, near a river,

What traits identify a potential active shooter? What can you do to prevent more mass shootings? On Saturday, August 3, 2019, in El Paso Texas, a peaceful Walmart store was bustling with shoppers. The shoppers didn’t take their guns with Read more…

near a river, she is real, encouragement, bj rae, bald eagle

This is the story of a real person I happen to know. Have you ever felt the way she feels?  Usually, she puts on a brave smile instead of revealing her inner pain, but now she sobs into her pillows. Read more…

There is a movement in the US, the Walk Away movement.  Should you join it? The New York Post website posted favorable coverage of the “2018 Walk Away movement”.  From what are people walking away? Who has joined so far? Read more…

We have many reasons to feel content instead of constantly arguing.  Regardless of to whom you attribute these reasons to feel content instead of constantly arguing, they exist. Our incomes are going up, unemployment for every group has hit historical Read more…

near a river encouragement for children passion bj rae bald eagle

What is your passion? Is your passion also your job? Even as a young child, I was aware my family was very poor. In spite of this fact, someone I loved dearly inspired me to help others, and I often Read more…

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