When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: peace

The political anger in which Americans are currently marinating is futile and unhealthy. It spreads man-flu, which is highly contagious and potentially deadly! Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to his 16-year-old grandson to give him advice. His advice specifically pertained Read more…

The leaders of our government do not always play nice.  Here is one thing that would end the current shutdown and prevent future shutdowns. When I was a child, the rule for being in the company of other people was Read more…

near a river encouragement no easy answers bj rae eagle

If every parent taught every child there are no easy answers, the world would be a much safer place. Recently a gunman opened fire in a country music bar in a small college town called Thousand Oaks, California.  Thirteen people Read more…

near a river for kids encouragement future generations bj rae eagle

Please consider the effects of your vote before you cast your ballot!  These effects will impact future generations more than you believe they will… When Franklin Roosevelt sought reelection to the presidency of the United States in 1936, some people Read more…

Are you planning to vote in the upcoming election?  If so, please read this before you vote… Before an election, Americans are filled with anticipation for change.  We all think that if our candidate wins, our candidate can and will Read more…

I know this post will be unpopular, but I had to write it anyway.  It has an important message. This morning when I turned on the news, I saw something that made me feel really sad.  It shows that people Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids hurricane bj rae bald eagle

Why can’t we pretend there is a hurricane every day of our lives and ignore our differences? Recently too many people in the US have not been working together to solve problems. Instead, they have been criticizing each other for Read more…

Encouraging you to understand what the words I love you mean on near a river.

Do you know what you mean when you say “I love you” to any person or animal?  Our 12 year-old Morkie has been very ill recently.  In fact, we almost lost him. Unfortunately, Simba became ill while my husband was Read more…

Zoom in!  Focus on what you enjoy most and recover your serenity. Your life is like a picture on the wall of your home. In a picture frame, there are usually at least several objects.  And these objects are not Read more…

Some tips that will help you make your road trip successful. Today my husband drove 500 miles to work on a house again.  His trip was going well until he got stuck in heavy traffic on a busy highway.  Traffic Read more…

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