When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: peace

Encouragement to face your fears on near a river.

Do you face your fears or run away from them? My husband has been out of town all week.  We live in a small mountain town in a house set back from the road and surrounded by trees.  And there Read more…

Encouraging you to understand why people commit suicide on near a river.

Why do famous and wealthy people commit suicide? Today the famous designer Kate Spade hung herself in her New York City apartment.  Most of us wonder why someone who is rich, famous, and appears to have it all would take Read more…

Encouraging you to prevent heart break on near a river.

Today I found out something that makes my heart break. Sometimes I just feel that I should do something and cannot avoid doing it.  Today I had such an experience. While taking care of my friend’s home and cat (Noah), Read more…

near a river encouragement for kids zero payments bj rae bald eagle

You can get something very valuable for zero $0 payments! Do you believe you can get something very valuable for zero $0 payments?  You can! Prince Ea explains how this is possible. Are you the kind of person who feels Read more…

Encouraging you to be happy on near a river.

Learn to be happy right now before you run out of time. Last winter as we were camping, the camper next door came over and gave us some homemade soup for dinner. Then we sat and talked a while. We Read more…

Encoiuragement to overcome PTSD with an invisible fence on near a river.

Do you have PTSD?  Then live within an invisible fence… As a victim of domestic violence diagnosed with PTSD, I highly value safety and security. My second husband and I have been traveling to various campgrounds for the past month.  Read more…

near a river encouraging words for children troubles bj rae bald eagle

Have anyone taught you about loving your troubles away? I grew up in a household filled with tension, strife, and challenging situations. But sometimes I got to go Grandma’s peaceful home filled with love.  Grandma taught me many things, but Read more…

Encouragement to overcome hatred on near a river.

Do you know how to overcome hatred? We all get frustrated with a situation or a person at times.  Unfortunately, sometimes frustration turns into hatred, a bad option.  But if you feel hatred toward someone or something, how can you overcome Read more…

Encouraging you to have a great day on near a river.

Do you know how you can have a great day every day in your life? I used to have hard days every year on my birthday, simply because my expectations were not met. Unmet expectations cause a person to be Read more…

Encouraging you to make an important promise on near a river.

As a child, I made an important promise. When I was a child, my mother remarried.  My stepfather was a veteran. At night I heard him calling out in his sleep, “No, not him!  He is my friend!”  My mother Read more…

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