When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: survive

Encouraging you will survive on near a river.

Struggling?  Remind yourself that you will survive. Just breathe. You will be okay. Remind yourself of all the times in the past that you felt this way. This anxious and overwhelmed. This depressed. This stressed. The times you have been Read more…

Three keys to survive and succeed no matter what your life circumstances are.   In my first article, “How to Survive No Matter What”,   I related how my grandmother had imparted certain gifts to me that enabled me to survive Read more…

Love and hope enable you to survive no matter what. I am a survivor. After I survived growing up in a very dysfunctional home, I had to survive severe abuse by my now ex-husband that almost cost me my life Read more…

Is it possible to overcome the storm of life? Dear Life, I have lived over 50 years and experienced many hard times, but recently you threw the meanest storm my way. You have stricken me with the cruelest condition that Read more…

We all know what bullhead-itis is, even though it’s a word I coined myself last week! Recently we moved to a new home in a different town for medical reasons. Our older new neighbor across the street was very helpful Read more…

bobbie j rae bj rae meaning

Sometimes the words we use every day take on a new meaning. On September 5, 2019, I had major orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, that particular area of my body suffered injury too soon after the surgery, and complex regional pain syndrome Read more…

Bored silly? Trying to pass the time until life returns to “normal”? Restaurants, movie theaters, and malls are closed. Sport events are cancelled. There is nothing to do but stay home and wait out the virus, for however long it Read more…

HANDLE EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH WITH GREAT CARE! It’s possible to contract coronavirus from something you purchase, a package, or piece of mail—especially an Amazon package. How can you minimize or eliminate this risk? This morning an Amazon package appeared by Read more…

Is it a myth or a fact? How much money will the US government send me? Should I wear glasses or contacts?  When there a crisis, myths abound. The coronavirus is no exception. Some are described in the photo above, Read more…

near a river brain worm bj rae encouragement

What is brain worm? How can we cure it? I live in the north part of the US., close to the Canadian border, Moose, bear, deer, and all manner of wildlife roam through our yard. We watch to make certain Read more…

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Please help BJ raise funds for the charities she supports–cancer research, child abuse, domestic violence, and disaster victims.